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Re: scroll-down with pixel transition

From: Tak Kunihiro
Subject: Re: scroll-down with pixel transition
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2017 21:17:11 +0900

>>>> The top-level functions need to be more robust.  For example, I see
>>>> glitches during scroll-down on Info.
>>> Probably due to Info using fonts of different sizes.
>> This I cannot find out how to solve.  With emacs -Q, on top info page,
>> goto point-max, then I cannot scroll-down using
>> `pixel-scroll-down-and-set-window-vscroll' when larger font sits on
>> the top of window.  Can you solve this?
> Please show a complete recipe starting from "emacs -Q".  When the
> first line of the window uses a larger font, you generally cannot
> scroll down because you already are at beginning of buffer, so it's
> expected.  But maybe you found some Info file/node where there's some
> other problem.

Can you check with following recipe?

emacs -Q
M-x load-file RET pixel-scroll.el RET
M-x info
C-s gnus RET
M-: (pixel-scroll-down 100)

As soon as I see `The Info Directory' with large fonts, Emacs refuses scrolling 

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