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Re: [RP] Re: set-frame-font doesn't work for me

From: Joe Corneli
Subject: Re: [RP] Re: set-frame-font doesn't work for me
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2004 23:35:42 -0600

OK, I tested it with evilwm -- and I got the same behavior whether
the windows were maximized or not.  

Then I tested it under ratpoison with -q --site-lisp (which I should
have done before) and it worked fine.

So there is something in my .emacs or other loaded files that makes
the font "sticky".

I tried commenting out the default-frame-alist, but that wasn't it.

I tried commenting out everything but the custom set stuff, but that
wasn't it.

I tried commenting out the custom set stuff.  Now the function works.

Then I tried just commenting out the custom set faces.  The function
works again.

Then I tried just commenting out the following line:

 '(default ((t (:stipple nil :background "black" :foreground "white" 
:inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil 
:slant normal :weight normal :height 240 :width normal :family "fixed"))))

And the function works.

So I guess the question is - is this a bug or a feature?  Actually
that line has no real business being in my .emacs now that I have
set the default face to a completely different font in a couple of
different ways, so I'm perfectly happy to remove it.

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