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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Remembering relative paths?

From: Sacha Chua
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Remembering relative paths?
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 15:16:15 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Alan Schussman <address@hidden> writes:

> I've been using remember and remember-planner quite a bit lately,
> and I love their functionality. If I remember a LaTeX document that
> I'm working on, it is linked to, for instance,
> [[/home/alan/docs/teaching/syllabus.tex]], which works great unless
> I sync my document tree to, say, a windows machine where my main
> documents tree "docs" lives in a different location. I wonder if

I have something like this for published files. For directories under
your home, it makes sense to use relative paths. For system stuff, it
makes sense to use absolute paths.

I've added planner-annotation-from-file-relative to the latest
planner-dev, but it isn't included in planner-annotation-functions by
default. To use it, you'll want to customize
planner-annotation-functions and replace planner-annotation-from-file
with planner-annotation-from-file-relative. This should probably be
the last function in your list.

Should I make this the default? I don't know. I like having absolute
paths, but that's because I don't move my directories around. I
publish to relative paths using a defadvice emacs-wiki-link-url hack
in my http://sacha.free.net.ph/notebook/emacs/emacs-wiki-config.el .
That allows me to render absolute paths such as
[[/home/sacha/notebook/emacs/emacs-wiki-config.el]] as <a
or something like that.

The hack also deals with the fact that my notes are actually
physically stored in ~/public_html/notebook/plans but usually referred
to through the symlink ~/notebook/plans . =) I stick public things
into public_html; easier to synchronize with my webserver.

Hope that helps!

Sacha Chua <address@hidden> - Ateneo CS faculty geekette
interests: emacs, gnu/linux, making computer science education fun
http://sacha.free.net.ph/ - PGP Key ID: 0xE7FDF77C

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