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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: RFE: muse: highlight =verbatim=, similar to

From: Allen Halsey
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: RFE: muse: highlight =verbatim=, similar to how *emph* and _under_ are
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 18:48:38 -1000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2-6 (X11/20050513)

Michael Olson wrote:
Allen Halsey <address@hidden> writes:

These get special highlight treatment:



They get a face and the markup characters become invisible (very cool btw!)

but not so for verbatim:


How come?

This was how John's original version of Muse treated verbatim
characters, so I followed suit for the first release.  It's worth
raising the issue, however.

I feel sorry for poor =verbatim= not getting highlights when _all_ her *friends* are.

With emacs-wiki, the '=' signs remained in-place, but the text was
marked up using `emacs-wiki-verbatim-face', which was grayish.

Now that the first release is complete, I will implement something
similar to this.

That'd be great. My preference would be for the '=' signs to become invisible. I don't understand why it is treated different.

Would it be a good thing for people to be able to specify whether the
'*', '_', and '=' characters are hidden when colorized?  There are
times when I think this might be worthwhile.

I think it is true that some might prefer not having the markup character become invisible. That would be consistent with how mail clients, like Thunderbird, show *emphasized* text. A special font style is used, but the markup characters are still visible.

In fact, when I first tried emacs-wiki, I wasn't sure I liked the markup characters becoming invisible, even though I was impressed that emacs had that capability. I was concerned it would obfuscate the logical structure of my document, the way WYSIWYG editors I was escaping from do. But I've grown to like it. It certainly impresses my friends when I show them how neat emacs and muse are.


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