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Re(2): [Fab-user] SSH abort Timeout

From: Miguel A. Lamy
Subject: Re(2): [Fab-user] SSH abort Timeout
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 15:42:33 +0100

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for replying.

I am still working on my fabfile so it's a bit messy.

 I extracted the relevant code I hope it helps ( all ip address are forged 
except ):

from __future__ import with_statement

from fabric.api import local, hosts, env, prompt, roles, run, settings, abort
from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project

env.roledefs['winservers'] = ['address@hidden', 'address@hidden:23',
'address@hidden', 'address@hidden', 'address@hidden', 'address@hidden' ]
env.roledefs['linuxservers'] = ['address@hidden', 'address@hidden', 

@roles('winservers', 'linuxservers')
def get_env_vars():
    get env var from parameter file
    with settings(warn_only=True):
     if env.host_string in env.roledefs['winservers']:

     env.paramf='/opt/tools/server_params/clientes/server_param_%s' % 

     env.JBOSS_HOME=local('cat %s|grep "JBOSS_HOME" |cut -d= -f2' % env.paramf)
     env.SIAG_HOME=local('cat %s|grep "SIAG_HOME" |cut -d= -f2' % env.paramf)
     env.SERVICE_NAME=local('cat %s|grep "SERVICE_NAME" |cut -d= -f2' % 
     env.JCONF=local('cat %s|grep "JCONF" |cut -d= -f2' % env.paramf)
     env.RMI_PORT=local('cat %s|grep "RMI_PORT" |cut -d= -f2' % env.paramf)
     env.CONFIG=local('cat %s|grep "CONFIG" |cut -d= -f2' % env.paramf)

@roles('winservers', 'linuxservers')
def stop_siag():
    stop AS
    with settings(warn_only=True):

    # get_env_vars()
    # get_env_vars() must be called before this task

     result = run('/opt/tools/testvarAS.sh -f %s' % env.paramf , shell=False)
     if result.failed:
      # should write failure to file and mail it to me
      run('rm -rf %s/tmp && rm -rf %s/work' % (env.JBOSS_PATH, env.JBOSS_PATH))

Since my knowledge about python is "no knowledge" I wrote a small shell script 
that stop AS servers for me
the way I want (I extracted only a bit of code from that script to clarify):


while getopts "f:v:j" optname
      case "$optname" in
           HOST_OS=$(grep "HOST_OS" $OPTARG|cut -d= -f2)
            JBOSS_HOME=$(grep "JBOSS_HOME" $OPTARG|cut -d= -f2)
           SIAG_HOME=$(grep "SIAG_HOME" $OPTARG|cut -d= -f2)
            SERVICE_NAME=$(grep "SERVICE_NAME" $OPTARG|cut -d= -f2)
           RMI_PORT=$(grep "RMI_PORT" $OPTARG|cut -d= -f2)
           JAVA_HOME=$(grep "JAVA_HOME" $OPTARG|cut -d= -f2)          
           APP_SERVER=$(grep "APP_SERVER" $OPTARG|cut -d= -f2) 

            #echo $HOST_OS
           #echo $JBOSS_HOME
           #echo $SERVICE_NAME
           HOST_OS=$(echo $OPTARG|cut '-d ' -f1)
            JBOSS_HOME=$(echo $OPTARG|cut '-d ' -f2)
            SERVICE_NAME=$(echo $OPTARG|cut '-d ' -f3)
           APP_SERVER=$(echo $OPTARG|cut '-d ' -f4)

            echo $HOST_OS
           echo $JBOSS_HOME
           echo $SERVICE_NAME
           echo $APP_SERVER

            #echo $optname
          echo "Opção $OPTARG"
          echo "Opção $OPTARG sem argumentos"
        # Should not occur
          echo "Erro desconhecido a processar opções"

### Paragem do JBOSS

if [ "$APP_SERVER" = "" ]; then

echo "A terminar..."$APP_SERVER

if [ "$HOST_OS" = "linux" ]; then

echo "Plataforma Linux"


echo "Plataforma Windows"


Fab should not abort executing stopAS task when reachs the ip address

I hope this is the output you need:

[localhost] run: cat /opt/tools/server_params/clientes/server_param_win|grep 
"CONFIG" |cut -d= -f2
address@hidden run: /opt/tools/testvarAS.sh -f 

Fatal error: Timed out trying to connect to


Just one more question...

When I started looking at Fabric I thought that I didn't to explicitly put the 
shell scripts I want to
execute to do deploy in the remote hosts (in this example testvarAS.sh). I 
thought that I only need to have
it locally and run it with Fabric. I was totally wrong wasn't I ?  I hope my 
question don't seems to stupid.


Miguel Lamy

address@hidden on quinta-feira, 10 de Setembro de 2009 at 13:52  wrote:
:Hi Miguel,
:You're correct, there's currently no "nice" support for timeouts like
:that. However, the issue has come up before and there's a ticket for
:    http://code.fabfile.org/issues/show/8
:I've just updated the ticket's description to deal with your specific
:situation -- earlier folks wanted a configurable timeout; you raise
:the point that we need to make it possible to skip servers that *do*
:I also raised its priority now that there's more than one person
:concerned about the problem :)
:Finally, if you could send me an example of your fabfile and the
:output when you run your timing-out task, I'd like to make sure I am
:reading you correctly -- there's a small chance that things can work
:the way you want them to without further edits to Fabric itself (e.g.
:you may be using warn_only incorrectly, or there may be a bug in it.)
:On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 5:11 AM, Miguel A. Lamy <address@hidden> wrote:
:> Hello all,
:> I just began using Fabric and my knowledge is still very limited. 
Nevertheless I am trying to follow the
:> and the mail list and I was able to solve some of the problems I had.
:> Unfornately there is any issue that I can't figure out the solution. I have 
host list of about 15 servers
:> that I use to do the deploys. Sometimes in some of the servers that I want 
to deploy I can't connect with
:> because of network problems in that servers. Right now fabric is aborting 
after a ssh timeout. What I want
:> logging that failure and still deploy to the other servers in host list.
:> I tried with settings(warn_only=True): but with no luck. Can you help me ?
:> Does control abortion in the  rsync_project for the same reasons resolved 
the same way ?
:> Note: I use Fabric 0.9b1
:> Kind regards,
:> Miguel Lamy
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:> address@hidden
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