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Re: [Fgs-bs] Upload SGFs

From: tps12
Subject: Re: [Fgs-bs] Upload SGFs
Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2003 16:17:11 -0400
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IAWTF. Does this effectively put an end to the notion of the Free game? Even if my opponent does not want to play a ranked game, I can always download the SGF afterward and resubmit it for ranking. This looks like a loophole, but I don't think it is. E.g., if player A asks player B for a game, and B says, "well, I've had seven beers, so I'll play, but it has to be free." Then B will just play and not have to worry about hurting his rank. A can play, and then if she feels like it, she can upload the SGF (or ask that it be ranked, for her only). Again, there's the question of, "do I want to put a game with a drunk in my rating calculation?" In short, if you're silly enough to want to do this, well, you get what you deserve.

Desired Username wrote:
(And btw, are we going to clean up or at
least figure out how rating/ranking/etc work?)

Well, "we" sure should, at some point.

> Perhaps most importantly: Are the data we would need
> for this feature available in an SGF?  Name and
> result, yes.  What about rank?

Good question, and I have no idea.

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