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Re: [fluid-dev] iiwu_* ==> fluid_*?

From: Frank Barknecht
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] iiwu_* ==> fluid_*?
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 18:11:53 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


Peter Hanappe hat gesagt: // Peter Hanappe wrote:
> BTW too, that was a really nice presentation you gave at the
> LAD conference. It's a pretty neat working environment you set up.
> It was also good to see some real music making on Linux. If you have
> some sound files available, I'd like to listen more to some of the music
> you made. Is there anywhere we can access it?

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. Actually I still think of my tracks
as exercising my externals and patches, but in true open source spirit
("release early and often") every month or so I release my progess on
my site. So the newer the tracks are, the closer they get to what I
want to do in the end. (I'm still far away...)

But if you'd like to hear some more pieces, they are all on
footils.org. The newer ones are in ogg format, but the webserver
doesn't recognize ogg yet, so it's best to save the files on disk,
before listening to them.

http://footils.org/snd/erosion.ogg and http://footils.org/oxygen.mp3
all use iiwu~ drums.

 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__

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