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Re: [FR-devel] DumbTestBuilder - A Nice Start

From: gabriele renzi
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] DumbTestBuilder - A Nice Start
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 03:36:26 +0200 (CEST)

>Thanks Gabriele for creating this, its a great start 
>at added unit test support to FreeRIDE.

well I suppose that the real cool thing is
TestDrivenDevelopment, so I suppose we should have an
Extremely Cool Plugin [tm] that would build skeleton
for test and classes from others metadata (i.e. uml
diagrams, xmi specs and so on..

>If you or someone else would be interested in taking 
>this to the next level
>(SmartTestBuilder?), I would love to see this go 
>into the core FreeRIDE distribution.

I'd love to see someone taking over my code (or just
take a start from it) cause I don't think I'm a good
enough coder.

BTW, except from basic stuff (like file overwriting
checking), how should a similar tool be structured?
What should it do ?

What heuristics may fall in it ?(i.e. possibly
automated assignments/retrieve tests for accessor

Oh, and a really cool thing is that DumbTestBuilder
depends from basic_source_parser.rb.. but it disclosed
a bug in it :)

the parser recognizes stuff like /\s*method\w/ or
"classify" or 'my module' as code.. 
I think we could (sort of) easily extend the code for
=begin..=end to handle this kind of literals... but
I'm sitting 3 exams in the next two week so I'll not
mess with this :)

>Thanks again,

again thanks to you (include FR-developer.all)
for giving us such a good base to hack on.. 

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