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Re: [Freetype] Using Windows TTF Files

From: Antoine Leca
Subject: Re: [Freetype] Using Windows TTF Files
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 12:38:15 +0200

On Tuesday, July 13, 2004 23:56, Kevin Pang WROTE:
> FreeType fonts (which are being called by FTGL) to

I do not know what is that beast.
Perhaps it is peculiar to the tools you are using, one of them deal with
fonts, and since it is based on FreeType (which is a library), the
developper did not have a better idea than to name them "FreeType fonts".
But rest assured that FreeType is not specially associated with this...

> I was wondering if there was a way to get FreeType to
> utilize the .TTF files Windows provides?

I do this routinely for 6 years (and David probably two years more).

> I've tried turning on the bytecode interpreter,
> but it doesn't seem to have an effect.

What do you mean by "no effect"? Turning it on in Freetype should have an
impact on the visual rendering. But if your tool does not allow you any
access to TrueType fonts, turning it on or off will not have any noticeable

> And it doesn't help in cases
> where FreeType simply doesn't have an equivalent font
> (e.g. the Wingdings font).

Cannot parse that. Of course, Freetype can deal with Wingding. It is only a
matter to have the suitable license, then move the file WINGDING.TTF to a
location that can be dealt with within Freetype, then issuing a call to
FT_Open_Face with the relevant arguments.


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