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ORA and Lisp, was re: [Fsfe-uk] Stalls at Marxism 2003

From: MJ Ray
Subject: ORA and Lisp, was re: [Fsfe-uk] Stalls at Marxism 2003
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 11:00:29 -0000
User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)

Ramanan Selvaratnam <address@hidden> wrote:
> I believe this (the discontinued 'Learning GNU Emacs') is a 1996 edition.
> Is it not amazing how Tim O'Reilly is able to wield so much control over 
> software development directions? (assuming everyone agrees that 
> documentation is a vital part of any software)

Given the ORA Lisp ban (see
http://oreilly.com/oreilly/author/writeforus_1101.html), I even wonder
if allowing the old Emacs book to continue out there is part of their
agenda to keep programmers working with blunt tools and dependent on
their books about them.  After all, would they want programmers using
powerful languages where there are learned groups (instead of beer fests
that discuss TV series and ponies) and ORA would have to compete directly
with the likes of the GNU and MIT presses?

The Scheme Underground doesn't meet in London this week and you shouldn't
ask me for details off-list.  ;-)

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
      http://mjr.towers.org.uk/   jabber://address@hidden
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