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[Gdb] ^c (signal 2) - doesn't seem to work

From: Tamir Bustnay
Subject: [Gdb] ^c (signal 2) - doesn't seem to work
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 11:05:00 +0200

I'm running GDB-4.13-p951207.p3f (sparc-sun-sunos4.1 --target
copyright 1994 FSF, Inc...

My host is a sparc-sun-sunos.
My remote target is RM7000E-225S.

While I'm running the GDB, I can s(tep), b(reak), n(ext) and run till a
break point without any problems.
However, when  try to send a ^c signal, nothing happens.
When I try: (gdb) signal 2
The answer is:
Continuing with signal SIGINT
Can't send signals to this remote system.   SIGINT not sent.

Does any of you have ANY idea as to why it happens?

When I try doing the SAME thing with other versions of GDB they DO send the
^c to the other side.

Thanks in advance,

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