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Re: [glob2-devel] Flame thread (insults, code rewrite and other trolls!)

From: Kai Antweiler
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Flame thread (insults, code rewrite and other trolls!)
Date: Sat, 06 May 2006 02:46:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) XEmacs/21.4 (Jumbo Shrimp, linux)

> I can't work on the project. Although I've tried very hard to be
> productive, and I tried to stop being pessissmistic, and it sort of
> blew up in my face, I had to ask several questions to nct on the map
> rewrite, i got barely a ninth of the way in and got lost.

Does indeed not sound like fun.

> Then you guys mention that we shouldn't use boost, and, in particular,
> everyone agrees dependancies are bad. This doesn't make me happy,

Well, I believe it was 4 against 2 on this, and most didn't care.
Taken into account that Steph what's to keep boost we were at least
even on that point.

> maybe if we used a few dependancies our code would be cleaner, easier,
> and more productive.

Very likely.

> Maybe if we had used existing alternatives to the streams, widgets,
> and SGSL libraries maybe the project would be simpler. The libraries,
> atleast (if we didn't pick the worst of possibilities), would be
> documented, tested, debugged, etc.. That way I could be productive,
> and, because so little time was spent doing streams, widgets, and
> SGSL, glob2 as a whole would be more complete as well.
> I feel quite bad about myself that I can't understand most of the
> code, its rather complex, undocumented, and very hackish in feel (as
> in hack fixes), but nevertheless its code, and i should be able to
> read it.

Don't underestimate complexity.  The easiest things become impossible,
if you increase complexity enough.  If you try hard enough you can
write code the Knuth won't understand.

> I apologize for my flaming. I aplogize for arguing, and any
> intentional or un-intentional insults made at various developers of
> the game, and whatever else you guys think I've done wrong.

Kai Antweiler

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