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[glob2-devel] several miscellaneous ideas/gripes

From: Kyle Lutze
Subject: [glob2-devel] several miscellaneous ideas/gripes
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 23:25:13 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080213)

Hash: SHA1

thought I would get everyone's input on these ideas. After playing
some other games with friends at the local game shack (nothing like
a 64 player LAN game of battlefield 2) I thought about some of the
things that could be helpful to implement in beta4

checkboxes and dropdowns galore! One thing I noticed is most RTS
games have checkboxes for options, such as (in our case) fruit on or
off. This would be great to have set before the game if fruit will
be allowed on a map or not. This way, all maps can have fruit and
it'll be up to the players to decide if they would like to play with
fruit conversion or not

drop downs to choose your color and any alliances before the game
starts. This kind of gets tied into the second part where some of
the more recent RTS's show a miniature map with radio boxes for the
different base locations, or if you don't have one selected it'll
spawn you randomly.

checkboxes next to your username to specify if you like the settings
and are ready to start. There's nothing more annoying then saying
afk for a sec, person not listening and then starting the game while
you're grabbing a drink. several random people on YOG have done this
to me so far :(. I usually end up slaughtering them in return :/

Another thing I would like to discuss is base units. After playing
quite a few maps and taking ideas from other games, what about
coming up with a base standard that all maps should have at least
four workers and one explorer at start. If the creator wants to add
more, that's cool, but at minimum that.

My reasoning behind this is that the current state of being able to
place buildings and find wood isn't the best. if I'm going to place
a building I should have to have the whole area uncovered from fog
of war, not be be able to memorize where the other person's swarm is
and go stick a bunch of stone walls around it over the fog to end
the game in the first 30 seconds. With RTS's where you can control
individual units you can do the scouting, but with glob2's setup you
can really only do it with explorers.

My other gripe in relationship to this is how you can have no idea
where stuff is around you, how much wheat you have in front of you,
etc. but your workers will go wandering off into no man's land and
be able to find all the resources without the area being scouted. To
me  it would seem that the resources should be explored before a
worker can find them.

I have some other things on my mind, but I figure that's a good
start. discuss.


PS: to those always bugging me about not using my gpg key, I figured
out the passphrase again! I've been trying to guess the damn thing for nearly three months now, so be happy :).

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