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Re: [glob2-devel] beta5-rc

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] beta5-rc
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 14:52:20 -0300

On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 6:21 AM, Leo Wandersleb <address@hidden> wrote:
migi is on it. he/we decided to replace the first tab, drop the second and leave
the other two statistics tabs.
to not have it be a nasty hack, he's still not clear about where to integrate it
Implement it as a seperate class, a GameRecorder style class, which handles the exclusive activity of recording games to a disc, and maybe a corresponding GameReader class which would handle reading games from a disc, however I'd put this all into one class GameRecorder if it felt appropriette rather then doing two classes. The code should go inside Game::executeOrder which should send the order to the GameRecorder class and which will save them and write them to a recording file later. If we want to be able to record chats as well, then this code will have to go inside GameGUI::executeOrder to the same effect, since GameGUI::executeOrder filters out chat orders before it sends them to Game::executeOrder.


when it comes to branching i still would want to go beta5-rc with the clear
announcment: no new features but lets do what essentially is missing for the
existing features (gui). not merging replay to default would leave it in
experimental state somehow. not branching off beta5-rc would imply people are
welcome to add new features that all would need testing and bugfixing for a release.
Well if people want to do the beta5 soon, then thats what we should do. I feel like Beta 5 is a good option, fixing some of the major beta 4 bugs and with a few new features.  
another option would actually be to backport replay to beta4-rc and have a beta5
that is compatible with beta4. that would save the players big deal of caring
about versions in the transition phase and we would be able to stick with one
server for some more time.
No, this is not going to be done. beta4-rc is only for further bug fixes to the beta4 release series, not for changing features of any sort or doing any major changes at all. It should represent the code we call Beta 4, rather then ongoing development.

Compatibility with Beta 4 should be easily doable, so long as migi minds to increase the verison number in Version.h and only loads the extra's that have been added when the version number is correct. There shouldn't be any broken compatibility. Broken compatibility was only done from the alpha series to the beta series, and that was because of the extensive changes to the save game format itself, including the headers of the maps. I feel like it was a bit of a mistake anyhow, and that we would be wise not to break compatibility again.


would we actually have to name it beta4 to have yog allow games vs. players of
version 4? would be good to both name it 5 for showing progress and have it
playable vs. 4.


Leo Wandersleb

Extra cheese comes at a cost. Bradley Arsenault.

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