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Re: [glob2-devel] glob2 without X

From: Brian Cloutier
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] glob2 without X
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 12:51:15 -0700


False alarm. Giszmo searched some more and found . Apparently SDL loads X11 binaries at runtime, meaning x is not required in order to run SDL. For all of you who wanted to run a headless server, but couldn't because glob2 required x, can you at least install SDL and SDL_net?

Fede's last email seems to confirm this. I think bobbens is saying that initialization of SDL is what loads the graphics libraries.

Also, last night (America time) I got a build of glob2-server working. You can find my code at and try it out yourselves, my changes are on branch xless-yog. Just run "scons server=1" and then run src/glob2-server. (Note, my last set of changes aren't quite there yet, but I'll push them in an hour or two)

I haven't, however, had a chance to test the server. This is where you come in. If anybody out there could tell me if it compiles on your machines that don't have x11, and if it runs and properly hosts games, i'd be thrilled.

Brian Cloutier (num1 on irc)

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 11:18 AM, fede <address@hidden> wrote:
Found a possible fix for this, just joined #SDL on freenode. The answer

[23/11/2009 19:08] <fede_> hi
[23/11/2009 19:09] <fede_> there is a way to have a server program using
SDL_net without having GUI dependencies ?
[23/11/2009 19:10] <bobbens> you can compile SDL without video support
[23/11/2009 19:10] <bobbens> with dummy video driver only
[23/11/2009 19:12] <fede_> oh, what is the value for SDL_VIDEODRIVER ?
[23/11/2009 19:12] <fede_> in the FAQ it isn't listed
[23/11/2009 19:12] <bobbens> you don't have to initialize the video subsystem
[23/11/2009 19:13] <fede_> just this?
[23/11/2009 19:13] <bobbens> well from the POV of an application using SDL you
don't need any "GUI dependencies"
[23/11/2009 19:13] <bobbens> it's just that the guy using your app will need a
version of SDL without "GUI dependencies" either
[23/11/2009 19:13] <fede_> sorry, i don't understand what means POV
[23/11/2009 19:13] <bobbens> point of view
[23/11/2009 19:14] <fede_> ^^
[23/11/2009 19:14] <bobbens> if you don't initialize the video subsystem, it's
like video doesn't exist in your app
[23/11/2009 19:14] <bobbens> and you can still use timers, SDL_net and other
stuff you initialized
[23/11/2009 19:14] <fede_> oh thank you very much!


In data lunedì 23 novembre 2009 00:42:12, Brian Cloutier ha scritto:
: > Glob2,
> As I was looking through the YOG code, I found a small problem. Currently
> glob2 is written to use the SDL_net library for its networking. However
> SDL_net requires SDL, a blatantly graphics-related library. Does anybody
> know a way of using SDL_net without having to install graphics libraries?
> Giszmo and I looked for a while and couldn't find anything, but maybe you
> have better luck.
> If this isn't possible then it looks like the only way to get a headless
>  YOG server working is to rewrite YOG to use a different network library,
>  something far beyond my abilities.
> Thanks,
> Brian

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