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Re: [Gnash-dev] pre-release candidate

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash-dev] pre-release candidate
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2011 08:40:38 -0700
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On 02/07/11 08:28, strk wrote:

> Rob, there are 25 bugs on the tracker which are marked with severities
> from Important up [1].

  As discussed before, as the person making the release, bug status and
what goes in the release is up to me. It is also not the purpose of the
release process to fix bugs. Bugs should get fixed in master, and the
release should primarily be a packing thing.

  I did look through all those bug reports for low hanging fruit, and
saw nothing. Most of these bugs will require development time, so
therefor not appropriate for the release process. I realize we view the
release process differently, but since I actually have to do the
release, I do it my way.

  As as the release person right now, it's not only up to me to fix
these bugs, I thought we had multiple developers... Expecting me to do
everything is silly... The way this should work is that when we all know
when the code freeze will be (I announced it several times), then we
should all be fixing those bugs up to the actual code freeze.

  Right now the only real bug I'm concerned with it's Brad's problem on
OpenBSD with YouTube cookies.

  Btw, after this release, I plan to drop doing them every 6 months, and
drop back to a more feature based release. This is easy as long as
buildbot is adequately maintained.

        - rob -

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