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Savannah and GNU

From: Leonardo Lopes Pereira
Subject: Savannah and GNU
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 20:05:44 -0300

Currently I decided to help GNU, but I had have some problems to do it.
I found no thread on this mailing list about that.

The first problem that I saw on GNU is the decentralization of the GNU
projects. I don't think that decentralization is bad in every case, but
sometimes there is no logic on the decentralization of GNU development.
I think that all GNU projects could be hosted on Savannah. There are
packages that are hosted on sourceforge, packages that are hosted on
personal webpages (GSC, DMD), or packages that are hosted nowhere

And the second problem that I saw on GNU is because GNU projects aren't
help each other. In some cases, there are two or more projects doing the
same thing, projects that use external resourses when we have GNU
projects that provides that resources (ex.: Savannah uses cvs, when we
have GNU Arch, CSSC and RCS, all of them doing the same thing).
leonardolopespereira at

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