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Re: Update on distro bootstrapping with Guix

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: Re: Update on distro bootstrapping with Guix
Date: Sun, 07 Oct 2012 22:59:28 +0200
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address@hidden (Alfred M. Szmidt) skribis:

> What is the difference between guix and nixos?

Guix is a package manager similar to Nix, and it comes with the
beginning of a small user-land software distro (like Nixpkgs).

However, Guix and its distro are written in Guile Scheme, whereas
Nixpkgs and NixOS are written in a mixture of the Nix language and Bash

Also, the projects are independently managed.  Guix is GPLv3+, whereas
Nix is LGPLv2+ and Nixpkgs is MIT/X11.

My goal is to eventually submit Guix and the Guix-based distro as
GNU projects, with the hope that we can build a GNU distribution that is
100% free software and technically more attractive than the alternatives.

There’s more info in my previous message at
and in my GHM talk at

How does that sound?  :-)


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