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Re: GNU Herds Help Wanted

From: David Diaz
Subject: Re: GNU Herds Help Wanted
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 10:10:20 +0200

Klaus Weiss wrote:
I downloaded the source code today - I'm somewhat confused
by your directory layout. On the one hand it is a good
decision to distinguish among the various technologies,
on the other hand in everyday life it is more common
to use other techniques (or patterns) to fix this issue.

I thought a logic organization of the code would be good for the
maintenance along time.

Patterns?. MVC or anyother?. We did not have time to analyze the MVC
options, and choose the best one.

If you want I can dabble in developing a branch which
resolves this `bug`. This would allow me also to
integrate things like install/config routines and a
more developer friendly plugin system.

Cool!. Go ahead, and create such new branch!.

I looked also at the current task list and I found
#6637 which seems not assigned to a certain person.
If so I can take a look at it.

You can always take a look even on tasks which are assigned. Talking
is the right way to go. It is good we maintain a fluent communication.


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