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Re: Hide email validation in "Lost password" page? -- Security bug

From: Victor Engmark
Subject: Re: Hide email validation in "Lost password" page? -- Security bug
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 17:01:27 +0200

On 4/18/07, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
Victor Engmark wrote:

> For users to be able to detect their error after the fact, we could let the
> email stay in the field after submission.

Good point.

Actually, it would probably be even better to redirect the user to the front / login page, since that's where they would logically be going afterwards. We could display a prominent message to confirm that we did something. Modified the task accordingly.

> To stop pranksters and accidental double-clicks from annoying users, we
> could also add a restriction that no email will be sent if an email was sent
> to the same address less than X seconds / minutes before. We should probably
> change the message to reflect that, to avoid even a white lie (ref. "your
> email will arrive shortly").

This extra addition requires we create a new field at the E1_Entities
table to save the last lost-password-request time stamp. But with the
current data base model, we can only do it for the emails (entities) which
are already registered. So the spammers could note what email exists doing
several quick requests.

No, because we won't tell them whether an email was actually sent or not. I'm thinking about having something like the following as the message for the user:
You should receive an email with your (new?) password shortly. For security and privacy reasons, we'll only send to addresses registered at GNU Herds, and maximum once per X minutes.

> What do you think?

Please, add a savannah task. Of course, If you want, you can develop this
bug fix.


Victor Engmark
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound
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