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[Gnumed-devel] How much does GNumed cost ?

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] How much does GNumed cost ?
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 14:48:05 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.12.4 (Linux/; KDE/4.3.4; i686; ; )

GNUmed is FOSS. It is therefore free as in freedom. It is however not free in 
terms of free beer. For the last five years we have decided to operate a 
dedicated server that would host stuff such as

GNUmed wiki
GNUmed Live CD
GNUmed movie downloads
GNUmed sources

That server costs money. Roughly 5000 Euro have been paid over the 5 year 
period to the hosting company to make that possible. 

For 2010 we will have to find a way to reduce that cost or come up with 

Hosting content on other resources such as savannah or sourceforge. Scraping 
everything that is not possible on a free hosting site. I believe Wiki should 
be possible on many hosting offers but CVSmonitor will die along with Live-

Maybe we could relocate all scripts for things like nighly tarballs and 
nightly documentation as well Live-CD building to a local box and only upload 
the results.

Options for funding are selling various goods such as

GNUmed on USB-drives
Stickers and whatnot

I do not believe in donation buttons because you need a user base for that. 
Second we don't ask for money but should build a business on what has been 
achieved so far.

Happy new year,


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