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Re: platform-2.7.94, photoblogger

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: platform-2.7.94, photoblogger
Date: 10 Nov 2004 15:15:31 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

Thank you very much for posting the photoblogger example.
It's neat that it uses glade.

I'm writing an app which basically uses the canvas to show network
state.  Information is obtained over a unix-domain socket from an OSPF
daemon, using a C library that will return a fd and expects to be
called when select returns true.  I have wrapped this for guile and
can obtain the fd.
I'd like to create an IO source from this descriptor, and add it to a
main loop/context so I can run the main loop to handle the user and
the library's socket.

The example in glib/examples/main-loop.scm doesn't seem to include a
source from a file descriptor, and I haven't found one.  Sorry if this
is obvious from reading the defs files, but I didn't figure it out.

I found a repl example which uses a 50 ms timeout to check for input;
this seems a bit inelegant.

        Greg Troxel <address@hidden>

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