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Re: platform-2.7.94, photoblogger

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: platform-2.7.94, photoblogger
Date: 11 Nov 2004 09:18:38 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

After installing 2.7.95, I tried photoblogger 0.3 (which is newer than
the photoblogger web page says :-).  I configured it with the
--prefix=/usr/pkg (same as guile, guile-lib, slib, g-wrap2,
guile-gnome-platform - all that stuff is in pkgsrc).

I had two problems:

It tried to load /data/, and failed.  I edited
config.scm to remove the first /, and then it got further.  I think
the problem is in using the readlink command, which seems nonportable.
If it's in POSIX etc. I can file a NetBSD standars-compliance bug
report.  (I've patched around readlink use in guile-gnome-platform; my
patch from .91 still applied cleanly to .95.)

On my system, readlink is present and installed by teTeX-2.0.

Then, I got a slot error, so I ran (nice to be able to compose these scripts!):

 ./dev-environ guile-gnome-0 

enabled backtraces, and then:

guile> (load "photoblogger.scm")
(gnome gtk): [goops gobject glib atk pango gdk gtk support]

In unknown file:
   ?: 0* [primitive-load "photoblogger.scm"]
In photoblogger.scm:
  77: 1* (define-class <photo> (<gtk-image>) ...)
In unknown file:
   ?: 2  (begin (define <photo> (class # # # ...)))
   ?: 3  (define <photo> (class # # # ...))
   ?: 4* (class # # # ...)

<unnamed port>: In expression (class (<gtk-image>) (orig-pixbuf 
#{:init-keyword}# #{:orig-pixbuf}# ...) ...):
<unnamed port>: malformed slot option list
ABORT: (goops-error)

This looks like a regular bug, not a guile-gnome problem, but I'm not

the readlink man page:

READLINK(1)                                                        READLINK(1)

       readlink - print contents of symbolic link

       readlink file

       If  file is a symbolic link, print its contents (what it links to), and
       exit successfully.  Exit with a failure otherwise.

       On systems that do not support symbolic  links,  readlink  will  always

       readlink accepts the following additional options:

       --help Print help message and exit.

              Print version information and exit.


Kpathsea 3.4.5                  4 January 1998                     READLINK(1)

        Greg Troxel <address@hidden>

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