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Re: guile-gnome-platform-2.7.95

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: guile-gnome-platform-2.7.95
Date: 11 Nov 2004 08:47:56 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

I updated the pkgsrc-wip entry to 2.7.95 and rebuilt it on NetBSD/i386
2.0 with guile 1.6.4 and Gnome 2.8ish.  A version of the canvas demo I
had been playing with runs when invoked as 'guile-gnome-0 -s

Is there a reason (other than lack of a clean patch) to have to set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the guile-gnome libraries?  The (gnome gobject
config) module exports *guile-gnome-gobject-lib-path*.

I removed LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but lose on libgw-guile-gnome-lib.
It's in /usr/pkg/lib/guile-gnome-0, of course, which is the value of
the variable above.

Is this the g-wrap complexity, where a name without a dir is passed
into g-wrap code, that you just mailed me about?

It seems that in /usr/pkg/share/guile-gnome-0/gnome/gw/glib.scm, we
could (use-modules (gnome gobject config)), have that module define a
guile-gnome-dynamic-link that conses on the prefix, and use that
instead of dynamic link.  Then there wouldn't be any need to set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which won't work on suid binaries...).

        Greg Troxel <address@hidden>

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