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Re: [rgui-dev] Re: GUItopia mixin names

From: Harry Ohlsen
Subject: Re: [rgui-dev] Re: GUItopia mixin names
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 17:15:30 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

> just FYI, if i am not mistaken the automaigcal system we have
> implemented is a rendition of the Oberserver Pattern with Combination
> Methods. if we had only one mixin i'd probably just call it AutoObserver
> or AutoObservable, but since we have two the names need to be more
> specific.

Yes, that's what I was thinking.

Is there any reason you couldn't have a module with two sub-modules?  Then, 
you could call the two mixins something like AutoObservable::Variables and 
AutoObservable::Methods.  The main module wouldn't necessarily contain 
anythong other than the Variables and Methods modules; it would just be 
providing a namespace.  That would nice for a couple of reasons: you'd only 
have to 'require' one module, and if you come up with other related, but 
orthogonal mixins, you could just add more sub-modules.

I'm not sure whether the "Auto" adds anything to the meaning, by the way. The 
automatic-ness (to coin a word) could just be considered an attribute of how 
the mixin works, in practice.

> intersted in hearing what you come up with!

I'm still thinking, but it's really hard to come up something that encompasses 
precisely what the mixins are doing.  However, I feel like the "Observable" 
(or "Observer") is probably pretty close, anyway.


Harry O.

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