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Re: [h5md-user] Additional properties of particles

From: Felix Höfling
Subject: Re: [h5md-user] Additional properties of particles
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 10:34:34 +0100
User-agent: Opera Mail/12.16 (Linux)

Hi Jakub,

Am 06.11.2014, 16:11 Uhr, schrieb Jakub Krajniak <address@hidden>:


Recently I started to use H5MD (thanks to Pierre de Buyl) but I would like to propose additional properties that seems to be missing. 1. The particle charge 'q'. It should behave like the 'mass' property and could be both time-dependent and time-independent.

Good suggestion, we should have included the charge already in 1.0, but overlooked them as nobody of us was using electrostatic interactions. The charge is clearly a per-particle property just as mass is. The physical unit of charge is already covered by the "units" module.

To make things concrete, please open an H5MD proposal for including the charge:

2. The 'resnr' that will behave like current 'species'. That property should group the particles in molecules. The .gro and .pdb file format have something similar. The residue name is not so important as it could be solved outside the h5md.

This point is less clear. The residual number does not affect the physical properties/interactions of the particles (unlike "species" does), its primary purpose is for analysis. (Please correct me if I'm mistaken.)

I'm not an expert in proteins, but the residuals seem to describe the protein structure on a more coarse-grained level. So it has more similarities with topology/connectivity (although it is less stringent). What comes to mind is to store information about the residual groups outside of the particles tree.

Suggestions: store a list of particle indices (better: IDs) for each residual. This makes it easy to look up all particles of given residual, however the inverse would be inefficient.

H5MD root
 \-- residuals
      \-- (name)
          \-- particle_subgroup1
          \-- particle_subgroup2

"particle_subgroupX" are H5MD elements, their names match the corresponding subgroups in particle/ and the contents is a list of IDs (or just the array index if "id" is not present).

To proceed more efficiently with the discussion, please open an H5MD proposal as well.
Thanks for contributing!

Best regards,


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