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Re: [h5md-user] Additional properties of particles

From: Jakub Krajniak
Subject: Re: [h5md-user] Additional properties of particles
Date: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 17:38:15 +0100
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W dniu 07.11.2014 o 13:57, Pierre de Buyl pisze:

2. The 'resnr' that will behave like current 'species'. That
property should group the particles in molecules. The .gro and
.pdb file format have something similar. The residue name is not
so important as it could be solved outside the h5md.

This point is less clear. The residual number does not affect the
physical properties/interactions of the particles (unlike "species"
does), its primary purpose is for analysis. (Please correct me if
I'm mistaken.)

I'm not an expert in proteins, but the residuals seem to describe
the protein structure on a more coarse-grained level. So it has more
similarities with topology/connectivity (although it is less
stringent). What comes to mind is to store information about the
residual groups outside of the particles tree.

Suggestions: store a list of particle indices (better: IDs) for each
residual. This makes it easy to look up all particles of given
residual, however the inverse would be inefficient.

H5MD root
  \-- residuals
       \-- (name)
           \-- particle_subgroup1
           \-- particle_subgroup2

As Konrad points out (other subthread), residue definition should be thought
differently than what we have done so far. I don't know yet how it can be
incorporated in H5MD as I don't really work with that kind of systems.

But it maybe that Jakub (?) is interested in reproducing the feature that some
MD packages have that each particle belongs (uniquely, then) to a molecule. This
is not the straightforward translation of a physical property then.

Thanks for all suggestions. Indeed the residue id is not at all a particle property rather the description of the topology. I though about the concepts of subgroups but it seems a bit overhead. Let's say that I have 4000 chains of polyethylene so in the terms of subgroups I would have 4000 subgroups. On the other hand I could have a DataSet that will assign residue id to the particle id with very simple data structure even for time-dependent case.

I saw the MOSAIC but.. seems that the idea of fragments can also handle it.
The other solution in my case would be to use H5MD only as the particle position container and the topology information will be provided from external topology file. Shortly speaking I am trying to write H5MD reader for VOTCA (http://votca.org) package. It supports lots of formats but the main ideas inside the code are taken from GROMACS.

As for the charges that Konrad commented in other subthread I see the point. Perhaps MOSAIC can hold the data for charges.


Jakub Krajniak, Computer Science Department @ KU Leuven
mob. +32 477 688 404
room: 200a 01.41

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