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Re: Are Google summer of code 2006 ideas still available?

From: Hans Aberg
Subject: Re: Are Google summer of code 2006 ideas still available?
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2007 20:29:21 +0200

On 1 Apr 2007, at 20:17, Joel E. Denny wrote:

If there is a choice. And which variation of LR(1) would you prefer, if there now is a difference: One that compacts the states and still has the same problem as LALR(1) that when an error token comes by, some actions can be performed before the error is being reported plus it cannot be used in
interactive scanners to report possible token completions,

I'm focusing on that one.

or one that does
not have those flaws, but takes up perhaps much more space?

I'm thinking there could be an option to modify the definition of state compatibility so that Bison can generate either canonical or compact LR(1) tables. Assuming the compact LR(1) works out as I hope, canonical LR(1)
would be interesting to me purely for an efficiency comparison.

Since a problem with LALR(1) is poor error handling, I think one should be able to turn state merging off. This will also be required if one wants each state to tell the correct set of possible completion tokens, as in some interactive parsers. The latter was discussed on some Bison list (perhaps for GNU readline).

I'm very much still in the planning stages, so don't hold me to any of

There is also a dynamic variation: One sets a maximum of states. If the number of states does not exceed that, one gets a static implementation. If they exceed that limit, one instead implements a parser able to compute new states on the fly.

It is mentioned in the book by Aho, Sethi & Ullman, "Compilers..." (the "dragon book"), that for a NFA to DFA translation, such a dynamic translation can avoid the exponentiality that may happen in a static compilation. Since LR(1) proper can also generate exponential amounts of states, this might be something consider as an alternative to state merging. I do not know the theory of it. I just mention this "just in case".

  Hans Aberg

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