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[Help-gnunet] can't seem to start gnunetd properly

From: Serge Winitzki
Subject: [Help-gnunet] can't seem to start gnunetd properly
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 21:02:23 -0400 (EDT)


I don't seem to get gnunetd to work (I used the CVS version).

Here is what happens:

# gnunetd -u nobody -c /etc/gnunet.conf 
Configfile specified: /etc/gnunet.conf.
Loading configuration from /etc/gnunet.conf.
Database (GDBM): /scratch/GNUNet/data/content/
CONNECTION: Connection module initialization
Indexing data/content database... count: 0
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
Received -1 bytes
Received -1 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 136 bytes
Received -1 bytes
Received -1 bytes
Received 416 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 552 bytes
Received 0 bytes
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: broadcasting
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: broadcasting
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: broadcasting
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:
CONNECTION: Connection module cron start with 0 hosts:

and so on for at least 20 minutes. I assume this is not normal behavior. 
(No documentation mentions this.)

I killed this process to try again, with the same results.

I am using Debian GNU/Linux (2.2), openssl 0.9.4 (I patched symcipher.c 
for this to compile), gcc 2.95.2. My computer is normally behind a 
firewall but I disabled it. I know UDP ports work because talk works.

any help will be appreciated...


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