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Re: [Help-gnunet] Is anyone downloading these files?

From: Tracy R Reed
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] Is anyone downloading these files?
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 12:24:37 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Sun, Sep 08, 2002 at 01:01:09PM +0100, Andrew Hart spake thusly:
> I am running gnunetd on a fairly wobbly computer with only 100Mbyte of 
> memory.  
That sounds fairly adequate depending on what else you are running.

> I have gnunet-insert-multied 50 test files and ever since then my disk head 
> is constantly in motion.
> Firstly, I am worried about wearing the disk drive out. Is this a reasonable 
> concern?

Why is the head constantly moving? Is it swapping? If it is swapping
performance is going to suck. RAM is cheap. :)

> Secondly, since there is a fairly low user count - is anyone on this mailing 
> actually downloading the files(see below-as you can see it is just the first 
> few that I usually shared on gnutella network)?
> Thirdly, there seem to be a large number of queries considering that there 
> are 
> only 10 people out there.  Is this an unusually large number?

I downloaded some of your files but there aren't enough people on GNUnet
yet to cause any real load. I suspect you are swapping.

And I too am still trying to figure out all of the gnunet­watch statistics

Tracy Reed

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