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Re: [Help-gnunet] INDIRECTION_TABLE_SIZE and download speed

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: [Help-gnunet] INDIRECTION_TABLE_SIZE and download speed
Date: 08 Sep 2002 21:54:46 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Tracy R Reed <address@hidden> writes:

> I have noticed another interesting problem: During my unsuccessful
> attempts to downlod files I ended up with a lot of corrupted files
> but with the proper size in my directory of files to share which
> then got reinserted when I ran a script to insert my own content,
> contributing to the spread of broken files. 

As far as I understand GNUnet there shouldn't be a need to reinsert
content manuelly[1], GNUnet should handle the distribution of content
automatically while you download it.

Beside that, it is normal behaviour, GNUnet creates a file full of
Nulls and replaces them with the real data as it gets it (the data
comes in chunks of random order, so it can't grow the file like you do
on a http download). As Unix filesystems handle files full of Nulls
special, there is no diskspace wasted when you have lots of incomplete
file. Look at the difference between the output of 'ls -lh' and 'du
-h', the first shows the size of the file, the second one shows how
much space the file really uses.

> I think the download client should put files in another tmp
> directory until they are 100% downloaded and then moved somewhere
> else to indicate they are complete so there is no chance of
> incomplete files accidentally being indexed.

I agree, but that can could be implemented on-top of gnunet-download
or in a GUI client, something like this might help:

% gnunet-download -o $TMPDIR/$FILENAME -- .... && mv $TMPDIR/$FILENAME $FILENAME

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