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Re: Building a library with tools that depend on it

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: Building a library with tools that depend on it
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 12:07:03 +0000 (GMT)

> Hi folks,
> I am trying to write a GNUmakefile to :
>    - Create a library "libPiranhas"
>    - Compile various demos as tools that depend on the "libPiranhas"=20
> target
> I tried to include the "library.make" and use the "LIBRARY_NAME =3D=20
> libPiranhas", but there is no libPiranhas created after compilation=20
> (which goes well) :/

It should be in


(or a different directory if you are on a different system).

There should also be a handy symbolic link

obj/ --> shared_obj/ix86/linux-gnu/gnu-gnu-gnu/

>    So my RTFM-style question are:
>    - How do I write a target for building a shared library from objc=20
> source files

Have a look on

there are two tutorials on writing gnustep makefiles (the first one, and
the last one).  A simple step by step tutorial is probably what you need.

>    - How do I write a target for building a tool that depends on this=20
> shared library and properly links with it

In case the tutorials don't explain this, I'll quickly sum up - say that
you have (just guessing, you need to creatively adapt to your case):


You then add


as follows:

include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
SUBPROJECTS = Library Tools
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/aggregate.make

this simple makefile will step first in Library, then in Tools, so you can
compile from top-level both Library and Tools by typing 'make'.

Then you add


the makefile for your library.

Then you add


the makefile for your tools, where you add


But - suggestion - take the comfortable and friendly way :-) - read the
tutorials first before trying! :-)

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