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Re: Mail layout and fonts

From: Elias Mårtenson
Subject: Re: Mail layout and fonts
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 17:42:16 +0800

I disagree. Sometimes you are working in an organisation where Outlook is the main means of communication. If so, you need to (unfortunately) post messages that conforms to this style. This includes including the entire email chain below your message, as well as your own messages being HTML formatted.

I wrote an entire package to do this; formatting the emails using emacs-muse, and rewriting the DOM of the email chain. In case anyone is interested, here's the code:

It takes a bit of an effort to get to run properly, mainly because Emacs does not have a HTML parser so I need to call out to an external program for that. I'll be happy to provide advice for anyone that wants to try it though.


On 15 April 2015 at 00:52, Emanuel Berg <> wrote: writes:

> I am using gnus for read and send my mails. I try to
> compose mail with a little layout and fonts
> enhancement. I read the manuel (C-h m i gnus) and
> I look on the web. But I did not find. I think
> a must change the mime type of the email but I am
> not so sure.

It is a bad idea. If you are an esthetic person, put
your efforts to the web with HTML and CSS, then move
on to LaTeX where you can do really impressive stuff
(with activity + time, as always).

If you do HTML mails, it is throwing pearls to the
pigs as many people will be annoyed with it (the HTML
- here I mean the HTML in itself, not your particular
efforts), furthermore some people will have configured
their clients not to show it (i.e. those will just
show the text part of your message), and those few who
do not mind or care will just read the message to get
what it is communicating and won't bother with the
decorations anyway.

That doesn't mean it is easy to write good e-mails
(with text only) and that everyone is equally good at
it because it is so basic in terms of technology.
On the contrary: because the technology is so basic,
the limitation is inherent in the technology, and not
put on the user, for whom the sky is the limit.

So put your enthusiasm for writing better mails where
it belongs, in the plain text world :)

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