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Re: [Jessie-discuss] 1.4 support? ("1.4 not enabled")

From: Casey Marshall
Subject: Re: [Jessie-discuss] 1.4 support? ("1.4 not enabled")
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 09:24:52 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Egholm Nielsen <address@hidden> writes:

Martin> Hi there,

Martin> I'm trying to use Jessie as a replacement for Sun's
Martin> implementation.  However, I reach a point where Sun's
Martin> "" invokes a method on Jessie's SSLSocket that
Martin> is not supported (#isInputShutdown):

Martin> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException:
Martin> 1.4 methods not enabled
Martin>          at
Martin> org.metastatic.jessie.provider.SSLSocket.isInputShutdown(
Martin>          at
Martin>          at
Martin> org.metastatic.jessie.provider.SSLSocket.setupIO(
Martin>          at
Martin>          at test.Test1.main(

Martin> If I scan the source for Jessie's SSLSocket, I however see
Martin> that there is some commented code in #isInputShutdown:

Martin> public boolean isInputShutdown()
Martin>    {
Martin>      //if (underlyingSocket != null)
Martin>      //  {
Martin>      //    return underlyingSocket.isInputShutdown();
Martin>      //  }
Martin>      //else
Martin>      //  {
Martin>      //    return super.isInputShutdown();
Martin>      //  }

Martin>      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("1.4 methods not enabled");
Martin>    }

Martin> that looks somewhat ok to me :-)

Martin> So, my question: Should one avoid using Jessie with Suns Java
Martin> 1.4, and do you know whether the new GCJ 4.0 has been
Martin> "designed" to avoid these 1.4 methods?

I started developing Jessie so it could run on Sun's 1.2-1.4 runtimes,
as well as on Classpath-derived ones. At the time, there was a
divergence between Classpath and Java 1.4 in the Socket class (I don't
know if this is still the case) and you could configure the build
(with autoconf) to target Java 1.2, Classpath, or Java 1.4. In the
latter case, the commented stuff above would not be, and the exception

I think I abandoned supporting Sun's runtimes, and just focused on
making Jessie work with Classpath. If Classpath is to the point where
the 1.4 methods are all present, then I should update the source to
reflect this.

In the meantime, I'd just suggest uncommenting those parts of those
methods. All the code to support Java 1.4 should be there, just
commented out.

Hope this helps.

Casey Marshall || address@hidden

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