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Re: [Jessie-discuss] 1.4 support? ("1.4 not enabled")

From: Martin Egholm Nielsen
Subject: Re: [Jessie-discuss] 1.4 support? ("1.4 not enabled")
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 21:03:10 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050319

Hi Casey,

Martin> I'm trying to use Jessie as a replacement for Sun's
Martin> implementation.  However, I reach a point where Sun's
Martin> "" invokes a method on Jessie's SSLSocket that
Martin> is not supported (#isInputShutdown):
--- 8< ---
Martin> If I scan the source for Jessie's SSLSocket, I however see
Martin> that there is some commented code in #isInputShutdown:
--- 8< ---
Martin> So, my question: Should one avoid using Jessie with Suns Java
Martin> 1.4, and do you know whether the new GCJ 4.0 has been
Martin> "designed" to avoid these 1.4 methods?

I started developing Jessie so it could run on Sun's 1.2-1.4 runtimes,
as well as on Classpath-derived ones. At the time, there was a
divergence between Classpath and Java 1.4 in the Socket class (I don't
know if this is still the case)
It is - that is what I saw today. Scanning from GCJ HEAD and comparing to Sun's.

and you could configure the build (with autoconf) to target Java 1.2,
Classpath, or Java 1.4. In the latter case, the commented stuff above
would not be, and the exception would.
Oh, so configure no longer supports this? Doesn't look like it, no:
./configure --help | grep [interesting]

  --enable-maintainer-mode enable make rules and dependencies not useful
                          (and sometimes confusing) to the casual installer
  --enable-jaxp           Compile with JAXP support (default=yes).
--enable-single-jar Put all built classes into `jsse.jar' (default=no).
  --enable-awt            Compile AWT callbacks (default=yes)
  --enable-swt            Compile SWT callbacks (default=no)
--disable-provider-only Only compile JSSE provider, not the cleanroom JSSE

However, looking at these options made me wonder:
1) What are the jaxp stuff for - and what will I miss if disabling (going embedded)? My first guess was for storing sessions as XML, but otherwise?
2) What are the AWT callback stuff?

I think I abandoned supporting Sun's runtimes, and just focused on
making Jessie work with Classpath. If Classpath is to the point where
the 1.4 methods are all present, then I should update the source to
reflect this.
So you mean, the reason for omitting these methods was that Classpath didn't have implementations for those methods, or erronous implementations? Just so that I know what to look for if trying (with GCJ 3.4.3 for starters)...

In the meantime, I'd just suggest uncommenting those parts of those
methods. All the code to support Java 1.4 should be there, just
commented out.
All places are marked with Unsupported-1.4-exceptions, right - just to know what to grep for...

Thanks for now,
 Martin Egholm

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