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[Libconf-dev] Getting started with sample applications?

From: Brian J. Murrell
Subject: [Libconf-dev] Getting started with sample applications?
Date: 14 Jun 2003 11:10:13 -0400

Hi all,

I was just trying to get started by trying to run the
applications/netconfig/netconfig application and ran into a problem or

First of all, is there a way (a bootstrap of some kind) to run Libconf
all self-contained in the CVS sandbox (i.e. without having run "make
install")?  It would just be so much easier to hack and test rather than
hack-install-test, hack-install-test...

When I did try to make install from perl-Libconf, I got an error because
there is no make install in GUI.

Additionally, when I dealt with the above error, I was getting:

"generators" is not exported by the Libconf::GUI::Gtk2 module
Can't continue after import errors at applications/netconfig/netconfig line 29
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at applications/netconfig/netconfig line 29.

trying to run the netconfig app.


Brian J. Murrell <address@hidden>

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