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Re: Transformation experiments

From: Erlend Aasland
Subject: Re: Transformation experiments
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 14:10:39 +0200

On 5/8/06, Han-Wen Nienhuys <address@hidden> wrote:
ok, nits that need to be addressed before integrating:

  - stencil::rotate should take Offset() as argument.


  - I think widen() can also shrink the bbox, can you double check that
your scaling routine doesn't shrink the bbox?  (x_new - x_len)  looks
suspect to me.

I've tested 0, 45, 90...360 degrees and everything looks nice. Of course it is possible that one of the extents will shrink: For example just rotate a box with x_length=2 and y_length=1 with 90 degrees and x_length will shrink to 1 and y_length will expand to 2.

Why don't you rotate the 4 corners and use add_point()
on an empty box?

There are no bugs with the current code, so why rewrite it?

  - the  scheme binding misses the offset arg


  - SVG support !

I've added it but not tested it (currently compiling...)


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