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Re: adding IR links

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: adding IR links
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 20:38:16 +0200

2008/4/4 Graham Percival <address@hidden>:

>  (instead of a "dedicated" doc mode for convert-ly, perhaps adding
>  more command-line options, and then dumping a script in
>  buildscripts/convert-docs would be better... for that matter, I'm
>  also not comfortable with the \version string in
>  fundamental.itely; we should have a LAST-VERSION or some such file
>  in Documentatation/  which the convert-docs script would
>  automatically updated)

...OR... (prepare to hit your head against the nearest wall) we could
simply stop using a mixed format such as lilypond-book, and write the
whole documentation using lilyPond; Nicolas' code we were just talking
about makes it possible, and it would be easy to \include the
examples, snippets etc.
(the whole HTML backend should have to be implemented though, just a detail)

then we'd have only one big file, that would get
automatically updated through convert-ly :-)


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