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Creates a Flag grob. (issue 4922042)

From: mtsolo
Subject: Creates a Flag grob. (issue 4922042)
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2011 21:26:06 +0000

Reviewers: ,

This should do the trick.

The regtests don't really help as they show tons of fake changes.  I'll
try Han Wen's suggestion for hacking in the next week
if I am still having trouble.

The only thing that currently seems broken is  This is because, as I state in my patch on
stem-tremolos, the stem tremolo pure height function is broken.  So, I
don't consider this a regression...

The order that this stuff would be pushed is:

This patch
The stem changes
My rewrite for stem-tremolo pure height stuff, which would be rewritten
yet again to be cleaner and more accurate in function of the pure height
changes to


Creates a Flag grob.

Please review this at

Affected files:
  M input/regression/
  M input/regression/
  M input/regression/
  M input/regression/
  M input/regression/
  M input/regression/
  M input/regression/
  M input/regression/
  M input/regression/mozart-hrn3-defs.ily
  M input/regression/
  M lily/
  M lily/
  A lily/
  M lily/include/stem.hh
  M lily/
  M lily/
  M lily/
  M ly/
  M ly/
  M ly/
  M ly/
  M scm/define-grob-properties.scm
  M scm/define-grobs.scm
  M scm/flag-styles.scm

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