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Re: GOP2-5 - ly language discussions

From: James
Subject: Re: GOP2-5 - ly language discussions
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 11:53:44 +0100


On 23 September 2012 11:06, David Kastrup <address@hidden> wrote:

> ....  Much of the parser work I am doing is of incremental nature, and
> the overall direction includes keeping existing files working according
> to expectations as much as reasonable/possible while straightening out
> and sometimes extending the underlying logic.  This work is generally
> regarded with total apathy (it is not like it is not spelled out in
> reviews _if_ anybody could be interested in it) so there is little point
> in delaying each step by having to create formal proposals and obeying
> two weeks of silence.

Actually I think the word apathy is unfair, well from my perspective
anyway; I just don't understand what you are doing technically.
Incremental nature, tidying up, straightening out are all things
anyone can understand, that. By the time you (seem to) get exasperated
and fall into language/explanation that I can then understand it does
get appreciated.

It took me weeks to really see the point of the #{ #} change (and I
still couldn't really explain it to someone if asked, but I do 'get'
it), likewise whatever it is you are now doing with the parser/lexer,
as evident from the recent gripes and grumbles on the GLISS topic,
only a few really do get what you are working on. So if the apathy
comes from anywhere it is those 'few' that understand it and could
comment - I know at least Graham tries to - but when someone with a
'strong personality' as yourself who patently understand this far more
than most or us mortals comes back with comments in the way you do, it
can be intimidating for most I expect. I don't comment because I don't
understand, not because I don't care (or because your forthrightness
has ever bothered me - I was mentored by GP after all! ;) ).

Just like Mike and Keith's work; it seems that they are both doing
'very useful' enhancements but again, I really don't understand it
technically. The *only* way that someone like me (and perhaps many
others who subscribe to the devs list) can appreciate or be able to
comment is when we're presented with before/after 'output' (either
graphically or as in Mikes slur stuff, as comparison times - quicker
is better right?), it's just all a bit abstract for many of us.

The only way someone like myself can really show lack of apathy is by
contributing to the project if not all the patches.


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