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Re: \oneVoice and \voiceXX commands having the wrong scope

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: \oneVoice and \voiceXX commands having the wrong scope
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 10:19:54 +0100
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I think you have not fully realized how <<{...} \\ {...}>> works.
Your first example is equivalent to

\new Staff {
    \clef bass
    \context Voice="1" {
c'2-\markup {\column < "oneVoice" "(This markup generates a programming error)">} r2 |
        << \context Voice = "1" {\voiceOne b2-"Polyphony" r2}
           \context Voice = "2" {\voiceTwo g2 r2} >>
        c'2-"oneVoice should still be in effect here." r2 |
    } |

Since you have the same name "1" for your main voice as is implicitly
given to the upper voice by <<{...} \\ {...}>> and since a context is
uniquely determined by its name, they are actually the same voice, so
any setting that is done within the upper voice of the
<<{...} \\ {...}>> will remain after the polyphonal part.
Of course, if you give another name than "1" to your main Voice context,
your examples will work as you expect.


Yuval Harel wrote:
\oneVoice scope too short:

\version "2.4.2"

\new Staff {
    \clef bass
    \context Voice="1" {
c'2-\markup {\column < "oneVoice" "(This markup generates a programming error)">} r2 |
        << {b2-"Polyphony" r2} \\ {g2 r2} >>
        c'2-"oneVoice should still be in effect here." r2 |
    } |

\voiceOne scope too long:

\version "2.4.2"

\new Staff {
    \clef bass
    c'2 r2    |    % commenting out this line eliminates the problem
    << {\voiceOne r1-"voiceOne"} >> |
    c'2-"voiceOne is still in effect" r2
r1-\markup {\column <"oneVoice" "(This markup generates a programming error)">} |

On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 00:22:14 +0100, Erik Sandberg <address@hidden> wrote:

On Tuesday 25 January 2005 15.03, Yuval Harel wrote:


I found that \oneVoice and \voiceOne sometimes have unexpected effects.
Here are two examples which might be two separate bugs.
When preparing the examples I also noticed that adding markup can
sometimes generate programming errors in these

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: address@hidden

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