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accidental avoid-slur and max-stretch

From: Neil Thornock
Subject: accidental avoid-slur and max-stretch
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:13:44 -0600

Okay, I'm not getting something about this.

The output for this displays slurs clashing with accidentals.  I've seen this kind of collision before - but is there no way to avoid it automatically?  I thought avoid-slur would make some difference.

\layout {ragged-right = ##t}

\relative c' {
\override Accidental #'avoid-slur = #'inside
c( cis'') c,,( cis''!)}

\version "2.11.28"

What am I doing wrong?  Or do I just have to manually tweak things?

Also, I'm at my wits end trying to place #'max-stretch = #0 somewhere that it has any effect.  I assumed something like

\override Score.VerticalAlignment #'max-stretch = #0

would work, but I can't figure it out.


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