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Re: I'm having a problem with this file

From: Tim Litwiller
Subject: Re: I'm having a problem with this file
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 13:28:56 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Thanks so much for that, another thing to add to my watch for this list.

Ralph Little wrote:

Tim Litwiller wrote:
Yeh, I'm moving along trying different suggested methods as I go, keeping notes as to what works. and what doesn't.

Hi Tim,
Could you mail the file to me as an attachment, I can't seem to access the file from

Sounds like things are moving on for you :D


OK, I have made 2 changes to your file:

First, so that new voices always get the aikenHeads by default, I've removed the \aikenHeads setting from \global and added the following to \layout:

       \context {
           shapeNoteStyles = ##(do re mi fa #f la ti)

This adds the \aikenHeads definition to the default Voice.
So when using the <<\\>> notation, any new Voices created get aikenHeads by default.

The reason that you weren't getting the tenor and bass parts together was that they should be encapsulated in << >>.

So you now have:

           \new Voice = tenor {
           \new Voice = bass {

instead of :


File follows:

\version "2.11.32"
%\include ""
% template for song with no repeating - several verses and a common chorus
\header {
  title="It's a Long, Long Road"
  poet="get from source"
  composer="get from source"
  tagline="Copyright Larry Ensz 2006"

\paper {
   %#(set-paper-size "letter")
   %line-width = 189\mm
   %line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.000000))
   %between-system-space = 6\mm
   %force-assignment = #""
   %between-system-padding = #6

mBreak = { }

leftbrace = \markup { \override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces) \lookup #"brace260" }
rightbrace = \markup { \rotate #180 \leftbrace }
dropLyrics =
   \override LyricText #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -5)
   \override LyricHyphen #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -5)
   \override LyricExtender #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -5)
raiseLyrics =
   \revert LyricText #'extra-offset
   \revert LyricHyphen #'extra-offset
   \revert LyricExtender #'extra-offset
skipFour = \repeat unfold 4 { \skip 8 }

global = {
   \key aes \major
      %\tempo 4=180
      \partial 4

PartsOne = {
  \key aes \major
  \relative c' {
   aes2. aes4
   f des f aes
   b'4\rest ees, f g
   aes2. aes4
   bes2 ees2
   b4\rest ees4 d d
   b4\rest ees, f g
   g2. \bar "||" g8^"Chorus" g8
   g4 bes bes aes
   bes4. aes8
   f4. f8
   ees4 aes c aes
   bes2( bes8) bes8 c des
   ees4 ees4 ees4 des8 c8
   des8 des4
   des8 des4 des
   c8 c4 c8 c4 bes8 aes
   bes4 f f f
   ees2 g2

PartsTwo = {
  \key aes \major
  \relative c' {
   aes2. aes4
   f des f aes
   b'4\rest ees, d d
   bes2. bes4
   ees2 g2
   g aes aes
   b4\rest ees, d d
   bes2. bes8 bes
   bes4 ees ees ees
   des4. des8
   des4. des8
   c4 c ees ees
   ees2( ees8) ees8 ees f
   aes4 aes aes ees8 ges
   f8 f4
   f8 f4 f4
   ees8 ees4 ees8 ees4 ees8 ees
   des4 des des b
   c2 des

PartsThree = {
  \relative c {
       \voiceOne         ees4
   aes2. aes4
   f4 des f aes
   ees2. aes4
   g2 bes
     bes'4 bes bes
   d,4\rest aes'4 aes ees
   ees2. ees8 ees
   ees4 aes aes g
     aes4. aes8
   aes4 aes aes aes
   g2( g8) g8 aes aes
   c4 c c bes8 aes8
   aes8 aes4
     aes8 aes4 aes4
   aes8 aes4 aes8 aes4 g8 aes8
   f4 aes aes aes
   aes2 ees2

PartsFour = {
  \relative c {
       \voiceTwo         ees4
   aes2. aes4
   f4 des f aes
   aes2. f'4
   ees2 ees2
     ees4 bes bes
   d4\rest c bes ees
   aes,2. aes8 aes8
   aes4 aes aes
     des4. des8
   aes4 aes aes c
   ees2( ees8) ees8 ees ees
   aes4 aes aes aes8 aes8
   des,8 des4

   des8 des4 des4
   aes8 aes4 aes8 aes4 aes8 des8
   des4 des des des
   ees2 ees

\score {
  \new Staff = top
  { <<
   \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
   \set Staff.midiInstrument="recorder"
   \clef treble
       %\new Devnull="nowhere" \PartsOne
   \new Voice = "soprano" {
       \global              \PartsOne
   \new Voice = "alto" {
} \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" { \set stanza = "1. " I walked one morn -- ing by the sea, and all the waves reached out to me
   I took thier fears, Then let them be.
         %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "nowhere" { \set stanza = "1. "
%I walked one morn -- ing by the sea, and all the waves reached out to me
   %I took thier fears, Then let them be.
         \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alto"  { \set stanza = "2. "
I walked one morn -- ing at the dawn, When bits of night still ling -- ered on. I sought my star, But it was gone. It's a long, long road to free -- _ dom
   A wind -- ing steep and high,
   but when you walk in love with the wind on
   your wings and cov -- er the earth with the
   songs you sing the miles fly by          }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano"  { \set stanza = "3. "
I walked one morn -- ing with a friend. And prayed the day would nev -- er end.
   But years have flown, so why pre -- tend..
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano"  { \set stanza = "4. "
   I walked one morn -- ing with my king.
And all my wint -- ers turned to spring, my heart was filled with songs to sing

  >> }
  \new Staff = bottom
       \clef bass
       \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
       \set Staff.midiInstrument="recorder"
           \new Voice = tenor {
           \new Voice = bass {
       indent = 0.0\pt
       \context {
           \override ChordName  #'style = #'american
           chordChanges = ##t
       \context {
           shapeNoteStyles = ##(do re mi fa #f la ti)
   \midi {
   \context {
     tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 120 4)

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