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Re: TextSpanner at Score level?

From: Frédéric Bron
Subject: Re: TextSpanner at Score level?
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 06:08:15 +0200

> - it might be simpler to use skips (s) in the contextSpan voice
This would be more complicated as I just have to write \clarinet for
example whereas with spaces, I would have to calculate exactly where
each spanners goes (I am writing the 4th symphony of Schumann and the
conductor score is 100 pages...)

> - if you have 15 instruments (staffs) you need to add 15 "stringendo"s - is
Here again, no problem because I have it in all individual parts but
the trick would work without it, try that:

stringendo = { \textSpannerUp \override Score.TextSpanner
#'(bound-details left text) = "Stringendo" }
strmusic = { \stringendo c'1 \startTextSpan \repeat unfold 4 { c' }
c'\stopTextSpan }
music = { c'1 \repeat unfold 4 { c' } c' }

\layout {
        \context {
                \type "Engraver_group"
                \consists "Text_spanner_engraver"
                \consists "Axis_group_engraver"
                \name "ConTextSpan"
                \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(1 . 3)
        \context { \Score \accepts ConTextSpan }
        \context { \Voice \remove "Text_spanner_engraver" }

\score {
                \new ConTextSpan { \strmusic }
                \new StaffGroup <<
                        \new Staff { \music }
                        \new Staff { \music }
                \new ConTextSpan { \strmusic }
                \new StaffGroup <<
                        \new Staff { \music }
                        \new Staff { \music }


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