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Re: LilyPondTool 2.12.848 BETA

From: Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
Subject: Re: LilyPondTool 2.12.848 BETA
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 11:47:53 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090605)

2- The "reverse Point and Click" works well inside a page but it would be great if the page of the pdf viewer scroll automatically when the caret change to a note belonging to an another page. (Ok, i don't know if it is a limitation of this Beta release because i didn't test this featurein the previous version: very usefull !).
No, it's a performance limitation. If I want to jump to the right page, I need to decode ALL of the pages when opening/reloading the file. It would take a lot of time. So I only decode the actual page. Perhaps it could be a separate function (in a later release): you click on "find position in PDF", then it finds the caret position. Could you file an enhancement request on Thanks.
3- This point is perhaps more annoying (for me at least).
With this Dockable PDF viewer, you cannot use any script using Lilypond and the current ly file, as well inside JEdit or outside (in command-line),because Lilypond seems to lock the pdf. So lilypond is unable to delete the old pdf before to create the new one. In the previous version, i used a bean shell macro (*.bsh) where i called a function i found in the Lilypontools sources
It unlocked the pdf so that i was able to launch my lilypond scripts via this macro.
Is there a corresponding function in the new version ?
If you use LilyPondTool to build the file (using the Run Lilypond command from the toolbar or the LilyPond menu), it automatically closes the PDF.
You should still be able to close the file using:
if (lilytool.LilyToolPlugin.getDockable("lilytool-pdf", false)!=null) { lilytool.LilyToolPlugin.getDockable("lilytool-pdf", false).closeFile(); }
But I will readd the closePdf() method in the final version.

Oh, i just realease that even the "Lilypond console" doesn't work anymore : if you enter :
   lilypond %buffer
you'll get "... Permission denied".


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