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Re: polymetric parts

From: Werner
Subject: Re: polymetric parts
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 15:50:34 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Mats Bengtsson <mats.bengtsson <at>> writes:

> By default, LilyPond assumes that the music is normal, that is, that the 
> time signature is the same in all staves and that the duration of one 
> beat is the same in all staves. To change that, you have to tell 
> LilyPond to write separate time signatures for each stave and the 
> example you refer to shows how to do that. Also, LilyPond has to know if 
> a specific note in one stave should be typeset to the left or to the 
> right or below a certain note in the other stave (i.e. if it should be 
> played before, after or simultaneously). Therefore, LilyPond has to know 
> the mathematical relation between the beats in the different staves 
> (which is done using \scaleDurations).

OK - that problem I even didn't see, because in my case, there has a quarter
note in every voice the same duration, only in one voice, there are two bars
with three quarter notes and in the other there are three bars with two quarter

And it concerns really only these 2/3 bars in the whole piece. 

I'll try to manage it overriding some time-Signatures and setting some bars
manually... That seems to be easier than the example (I even don't understand).

Hope it works.



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