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Re: separating design from pure score

From: Stjepan Horvat
Subject: Re: separating design from pure score
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 09:54:25 +0100

Yes..i think it does..:)

On 3/15/12, Urs Liska <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Stjepan,
> sorry that I don't have the time to really go through this thread (so I
> might misunderstand sth).
> But I think you should separate your music variables from your score
> definition, so you can \include them separately:
> myMusic = { ... }
> \score {
>      \new Staff <<
>        \myMusic
>        \myMarks
>  >>
> }
> Then you can have your master file like:
> \include ""
> myMarks = { ... }
> \include ""
> Does that help?
> Best
> Urs
> Am 15.03.2012 11:23, schrieb Stjepan Horvat:
>> Hello all..thank you for you anwsers..i really appreciate it..It's not
>> exactly what i wanted..but it helps me figure out more what i want and
>> what will be my solution..!
>> David Kastrup leads in this direction what i'm trying ta achive..The
>> diference form Hans Aikema is that i want to include music in a
>> diffrent file which i compile afterwords..The reason for that is that
>> i want to define music as is..Becouse each song is uniq and
>> unchangable..So i dont ever have to change the music file.
>> For Example:
>> 1. I want the score to be minimalistic and to be sufficient in itself.
>> ===== =====
>> \verison "2.14.2"
>> \header { title = "TITLE" composer = "COMPOSER" }
>> mymusic = \relative c' { c4 d e f \mark \default g }
>> mylyrics = \lyricmode { c d e f g }
>> mychords = \chordmode { c1 c4 }
>> \score {
>> <<
>> \new ChordNames { \mychords }
>> \new Staff { \mymusic }
>> \addlyrics { \mylyrics }
>> }
>> ==== end of ====
>> Minimalistic as i said. Maybe even without \mark \default.
>> So now in i would set the fonts and paper and whatever would
>> be static in project period. I think the layout should work here.
>> And on the end.
>> ==== ====
>> \include "./"
>> \include "./"
>> %now here should go the paddings for this specifig song couse every
>> song looks difrent and has diffrent bar numbers..Now i would want to
>> maybe use \break command but inside the score..So here comes my
>> problem. Becouse the score block is included while including
>> (i would want only the variable to be included) i can't make a mark
>> blok where i would define simple marks and bar brakes.
>> paper {
>> markup-system-spacing #'padding = #5
>> markup-system-spacing #'stretchability = #5
>> score-system-spacing #'padding = #5
>> last-bottom-spacing #'padding = #5
>> score-markup-spacing #'padding = #5
>> top-system-spacing #'padding = #17.5
>> }
>> marks = {
>>    \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-barnumbers
>>    \hideNotes
>>    R1 \break
>>    \bar "||"
>>    \mark \default
>>    \unHideNotes
>>    \bar "|."
>> }
>> \score {
>> <<
>> \new ChordNames { \mychords }
>> \new Staff {<<  \mymusic \marks>>}
>> \addlyrics { \mylyrics }
>> }
>> ==== end of ====
>> I would only compile the file..
>> I think i made myself clear..:) Thanks for further guidence.
>> On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 9:31 PM, Hans Aikema<address@hidden>
>> wrote:
>>> On 14-3-2012 19:16, Stjepan Horvat wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm working on a project and i want to separate the design from score
>>>> because i want to have a clear score so that in the future when i
>>>> maybe want to change the design i dont have to change the score
>>>> (something like html and CSS :) ). So when i include my score into my
>>>> design file variables are included but score block also. Now when i
>>>> what to change, for example, \mark \default to have a preety box i
>>>> dont know where to put it. Is there a way not to include a score block
>>>> but all variables, or insert stuff into a score block that is
>>>> invisible to me?
>>> If I understand your request correctly you're looking for a similar
>>> structure as what I'm working with for generating beamerslides of songs
>>> including their music. In that case the \include command is your friend.
>>> What I have in my projects:
>>> format/
>>> contains
>>> - a \paper section containing lots of formatting settings
>>> - a \layout setting containing lots of formatting settings
>>> - an include for yet another lilypond file containing useful scheme
>>> functions such as the override-color-for-allgrobs scheme funtion I found
>>> in
>>> the LSR:
>>> - variable definitions for a music staff (muziekbalk) and its associated
>>> lyrics (verstekst):
>>> muziekbalk = { \new Staff \new Voice = myMelody { \melodie } }
>>> verstekst = {\new Lyrics \lyricsto "myMelody" { \tekst }}
>>> format/
>>> contains
>>> - an include of format\
>>> - a Score block combining the variables defined in BaseBeamerSlideDesign
>>> into an actual Score and override of the grob-colors to get colored
>>> output:
>>> === format/ sample ===
>>> \include ""
>>> \score {
>>> <<
>>>             \applyContext #(override-color-for-all-grobs white)
>>>             \muziekbalk
>>>             \verstekst
>>> }
>>> === end of format/ ===
>>> Then any song requiring the beamer slide format:
>>> - a \header block
>>> - a variable definition called 'melodie' (which is refered to in the
>>> format\ mentioned above) containing the melody of
>>> the song
>>> - a variable definition called 'tekst' which is refered to in the
>>> format\ mentioned above) containing the lyrics of
>>> the song
>>> - an include of the format/
>>> e.g.:
>>> === sample ===
>>> \version "2.15.26"
>>> \header {
>>>     title = "Just some sample song"
>>> }
>>> melodie = \relative c'' {
>>>     \clef treble
>>>     \time 4/4
>>>     \key c \major
>>>     c d e f \bar "|."
>>> }
>>> tekst = \lyricmode {
>>>   this is a song
>>> }
>>> \include format/
>>> === end of sample ===
>>> The reason for the is that I also have separate files
>>> for
>>> BeamerNoBars, BeamerNoTimeSignature, BeamerNoTimeSignatureNoBars for
>>> different score-tweaks on different songs.
>>> All basic formatting is done in BaseBeamerslideDesign, the tweaks for
>>> outputting different score types for different subsets of my songs are in
>>> these additional lilypond format/*.ly files. The songs than include the
>>> appropriate 'tweaked' design from the format folder.
>>> Any design change (e.g. font-size, fonts to use, paper-sizing) I can do
>>> on
>>> BaseBeamerslideDesign and then I can just regenerate all the songs of my
>>> library to get updated sheet-music using the new layout.
>>> This 'layering' of definitions can be extended as much as one wants of
>>> course, such as for different score setups (I only have need for a
>>> single-voice score with accompanying lyrics), someone else might find a
>>> need
>>> to define eg a set of SATB choral score designs including the baseDesign
>>> for
>>> the basic layout settings.
>>> Which might lead to for example:
>>> - (font setup, paper setup, staff-sizing setup)
>>> - (variable setup for the 4 voices and accompanying
>>> lyrics)
>>> - including the SATBScoreBase and containing
>>> a
>>> score-block with each voice on its own staff and only lyrics accompanying
>>> the Soprano voice
>>> - including the SATBScoreBase and containg a
>>> score-block with the voices two-by-two on staffs and lyrics accompanying
>>> the
>>> Soprano and Tenor voices
>>> - including the SATBScoreBase and
>>> containing
>>> a score-block with each voice on its own staff and lyrics accompanying
>>> each
>>> of the voices
>>> regards,
>>> Hans Aikema
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*Nesmotren govori kao da mačem probada, a jezik je mudrih iscjeljenje.
Izreke 12:18*

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