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Re: How to join rests?

From: Werner
Subject: Re: How to join rests?
Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2012 21:28:32 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

> did you look at

Hello Eluze, 
thank you for the link.
But I'm not looking for R but for all rests!

Here an example:

\version "2.16.1"

\header {
        title = "join simultan rests "
        tagline = ##f

#(set-global-staff-size 20)

\paper {
    paper-width = 21.0\cm
    paper-height = 29.69\cm
    top-margin = 1.0\cm
    bottom-margin = 1.0\cm
    left-margin = 1.0\cm
    right-margin = 1.0\cm

\include ""

Erste =  
  \relative g'
  \clef   "treble" 
  \key f
  \time   4/4 

\bar "|."
g4 g8 g h4 \rest g | c4. c8 h \rest c h\rest c | d4 r g, r |
% \joinSimultanRests % ;)
g4 g8 g r4 g | c4. c8 r c r c | d4 r g, r |

Zweite =
    \relative e' 
    \clef   "treble" 
    \key f 
    \time    4/4

\bar "|."
e4 e8 e h'4 \rest e, | e4. e8 h' \rest e, h'\rest e, | f2 r4 e
% \joinSimultanRests % ;)
% looking for a simple way to join (all) simultan rests
% would like to get the same output like in first line 
% without all the stupid code (h ', \rest ...), 
% which doesn't survive a transposition or a change of the clef...
e4 e8 e r4 e | e4. e8 r e r e | f2 r4 e 

% The score definition
    \new Staff = "1" << 
        \context Voice = "11" { 
          \voiceOne  { 
          \Erste }
        \context Voice = "12" { 
          \voiceTwo { 
          \Zweite }
\layout {
  %keine Einrückung
    indent = #0
  %keine Taktzahlen
    \context { \Score \remove "Bar_number_engraver" }

> > … and btw. there is used the word "Bindebogen" in
> > opposite to "Legatobogen". I would call that "Haltebogen" while I would
> > understand "Bindebogen" and "Legatobogen" synonym.))
> I'm not sure about the context you're referring to 

the german doc (I suppose in general)

> but I've also experienced
> they are - sometimes - used the wrong way. maybe you could propose a better
> text/translation here or in the bug list!?

I think:

english - german
tie - Haltebogen
slur - Bindebogen, Legatobogen
phrasing slur - Phrasierungsbogen

(For now it's like:

tie - Bindebogen
slur - Legatobogen
phrasing slur - Phrasierungsbogen


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