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Lyrics to hymn - new user

From: Garrett McGilvray
Subject: Lyrics to hymn - new user
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 20:26:24 -0500

Hi folks,

The short version of the question (I think) is this: how do you set a multi-measure rest when manually specifying lyric duration?

If the short version isn't sufficient, here is what I am trying to solve:

I've hit a brick wall trying to figure out how to layout my lyrics for a hymn. The arrangement is fairly common, where everyone sings the same line for each of the stanzas, but there are split parts in the chorus. I attached a picture of the hymn so you can see what I mean more clearly:

First, I've got the music and words set up in variables like so:

%% Music variables
womenVerse = \relative c' {
% The notes for the upper staff during the verses


womenChorus = \relative f' {
% The notes for the upper staff in the chorus


% (Notes for the bass clef likewise)

%% Lyrics variables
verseOne = \lyricmode {
% The lyrics to the first verse

% (Verses two and three likewise)

chorusLineA = \lyricmode {
% lyrics for the "upper line" of the chorus

chorusLineB = \lyricmode {
% lyrics for the "lower line" of the churs

Then this was my try at a layout structure. Your recommendations for something better are quite welcome:

\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<

\new Staff = "treble" <<
\new Voice = "women" {
\womenVerse   \womenChorus
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = #"1. "
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = #"2. "
\verseTwo  \chorusLineA
\addlyrics {
\set stanza = #"3. "

\new Staff = "bass" <<
\clef "bass"
\new Voice = "men" {
\menVerse  \menChorus
\new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "bass" } {
\chorusLineB    %%%%%  Trouble Spot  %%%%%

I had in mind setting almost all of the lyrics to the "women" voice (soprano & alto), and then manually entering the duration for only the lower part of the chorus (where the basses start their soli in the chorus). However, that's the part where I would need to know how to put a multi-measure rest so that that line won't begin during the verses. Or is there a better way?

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