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Re: Can NoteNames in higher octaves be changed?

From: Jay Vara
Subject: Re: Can NoteNames in higher octaves be changed?
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 11:52:17 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

> I'm not top posting.


How I wish I could understand how you do what you do! It all looks like 
magic to me. Is there a place that shows how to use all these functions?

I tried to adapt what you showed to my system. So far, all attempts have 
resulted in syntax error or other error, mostly because I do not know 
what the commands actually do.

Here is what I have - it prints the NoteNames as S R G M P D and N as 
defined in the newnames variable. For the range of notes from low G to 
high G, it prints P D N S R G M P D N S R G M P. What I would like to 
see printed is: p  d  n  S  R  G  M  P  D  N  s̊  r̊  g̊  m̊  p̊ [where the 
higher octave notes have a dot on top]. 


\version "2.18.2"

music =  {g2 a b c d e f g a b c d e f g}
newnames =
#`(("c" . "S")
   ("d" . "R")
   ("e" . "G")
   ("f" . "M")
   ("g" . "P")
   ("a" . "D")
   ("b" . "N"))
myNoteNames =
#(lambda (grob)
   (let* (
          ;; bindings
          (default-name (ly:grob-property grob 'text))
          (new-name (assoc-get default-name newnames))
          ;; body
         (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text new-name)
         (ly:text-interface::print grob)

\new Staff {
    \relative c' \music
    \context NoteNames {
      \set printOctaveNames = ##t 
      \override NoteName.stencil = #myNoteNames

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